“Purpose (Indications)“
- Implant that fills deep wrinkles or folds, or to enhance, augment or repair soft tissues of the facial area
“What It Does“
- Softer look and feel, more biocompatible integration with the tissue, more natural healing process
- Can also be used to augment buccolabial or nasal labial fold
- Small incision made at the ends of the implant site and small tunnel (under the skin) made between these incisions for placement of the Advanta implant
- Incisions closed with sutures that are removed by the doctor in 3-5 days
“Recovery Time“
- Most patients are able to return to normal activities the next day
- If bruising, swelling, or discomfort occurs, it should disappear after the first week
“Recovery Instructions“
- Soft foods for one to two days
- Ice compresses on lips for next 24 hours
- Placed on antibiotics prophylactically which continues for a week following surgery
“How Long It Lasts“
- Lasts permanently
New developments in facial implants center around lip augmentation. Goretex is a synthetic implant which has been used for years in cardiovascular surgery and renal transplant surgery to serve as a conduit to connect organs to their arterial supply and has been used in general surgery for soft tissue augmentation in regard to revision hernia repairs. In recent years, it has had increased popularity as a soft tissue implant in the face encase of its soft contour and minimal complications.
Small strips of Goretex are inserted in the loose connective tissue under the mucosal surface. Over the next 90 days, fibrous tissue capsule forms which provides additional augmentation and contouring, serving to further insulate the implant. While not specifically FDA approved for this purpose, Goretex can be used for lip augmentation as an “off label” use. It should be noted that Goretex is FDA approved for use in the buccolabial or nasolabial folds, for nasal reconstruction, and for facial reconstruction in the cheek and forehead areas. Many physicians therefore have concluded that it can be used for lip augmentation. The procedure consists of applying a topical cream to the lip for topical anesthesia approximately one to two hours prior to the procedure; Xylocaine or novocaine is then injected for additional anesthesia. Following the procedure, tape is placed around the lips overnight to help minimize edema (swelling). The patient needs to stay on soft foods for one to two days and keep ice compresses ont eh lips for the next 24 hours. The patient is placed on antibiotics prophylactically the day before surgery and continues on them for approximately one week following surgery. With any type of implant there is always the potential for infection, rejection, irritation, and reaction. That appears to be less than 1%.
Goretex can be also used to augment the buccolabial or nasal labial fold. The implant is introduced through a needle and threaded underneath the skin. The entrance and exit sites are closed with a small dissolvable suture. In deep folds, several augmentation procedures spaced at least three months apart may be necessary. The advantage of this technique is that the implant does not dissolve and there will be additional augmentation due to the body’s fibrous tissue being stimulated to form around the Goretex implant.

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