The Remarkable Skin Benefits of Almonds and Almond Oil

Almonds, the delightful, crunchy seeds enjoyed by many, have long been a symbol of wellness and health. Their benefits are not restricted to just nutrition; in fact, they have been utilized in various cultures as an essential skincare ingredient. From their raw form to the oil extracted, almonds have exhibited surprising benefits to the skin that are backed by both tradition and modern science.

Powerful Anti-Inflammatory and Immunity Boosting Properties

Almonds and almond oil have been observed to showcase anti-inflammatory effects. Inflammation is a primary culprit behind numerous skin issues, including redness, acne, and puffiness. By mitigating inflammation, almond oil not only soothes the skin but also aids in the prevention of various dermal disorders.

Moreover, the immunity-boosting activity of almonds can indirectly contribute to skin health. A stronger immune system can better fight off skin infections and heal wounds, ensuring radiant and healthy skin.

Rich in Antioxidants

Almonds are loaded with phenols, polyphenols, fatty acids, and notably, vitamin E. All these compounds are renowned for their potent antioxidant activities. Antioxidants are crucial for skin health as they combat free radicals, which are often responsible for premature aging, skin damage, and even skin cancer.

Anti-Photoaging and Almond Consumption

In 2019, a pivotal study was conducted by clinical researchers at UC Davis. This prospective, investigator-blind, randomized controlled trial—which is one of the most rigorous forms of clinical investigations—aimed to decipher the impact of almond consumption on facial wrinkles. Over a span of 16 weeks, 28 postmenopausal women were selected to either consume 20% of their daily energy intake in almonds or a calorie-matched snack. Through detailed photographic analysis, it was found that the group consuming almonds showcased a significant reduction in wrinkle severity compared to the control group. The findings led investigators to surmise that regular almond consumption can naturally attenuate the severity of wrinkles in postmenopausal women, offering a potential natural anti-aging remedy.

Positively Impacts Serum Lipids and Complexion

Research has shown that almonds can significantly affect serum lipids. A balanced lipid profile is essential for maintaining the skin’s moisture, preventing dryness, and ensuring skin remains supple and glowing.

Additionally, almond oil possesses emollient properties that help moisturize the skin deeply, making it soft and smooth. Its sclerosant characteristics are known to enhance complexion and skin tone, making one’s skin appear more youthful and radiant.

Protection Against UVB-Induced Photoaging

Exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays, especially UVB, is a leading cause of photoaging, which includes symptoms like wrinkles, fine lines, and hyperpigmentation. Recent studies have unveiled that the application of almond oil and almond skin extract can attenuate the damaging effects of UVB radiation, thus acting as a protective shield for the skin.

A Treasure In Traditional Chinese Medicine

The benefits of almond oil are not a recent discovery. In traditional Chinese medicine, almond oil has been a cherished remedy for various skin conditions, notably eczema and psoriasis. These ailments, characterized by inflammation, itching, and flaking, have been known to benefit from the soothing properties of almond oil.


While many beauty products promise miraculous results, nature often provides us with the most genuine and effective solutions. Almonds and almond oil, with their myriad of skin benefits, stand as a testament to this. By incorporating these into your skincare routine, you are not only nourishing your skin with nature’s best but also partaking in a timeless tradition of holistic skin health.

23 almonds a day – When compared ounce for ounce, almonds are the tree nut highest in protein, fiber, calcium, vitamin E, riboflavin and niacin. Just remember 1-2-3. 1 ounce of almonds, or about 23 almond nuts, is the ideal daily portion recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. 


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