S-Lift Procedure




Purpose (Indications)

Sagging jowls

Deepening smile lines

Sagging or down turning at corners of the mouth

What It Does

Provides “rested” look

Supports muscles

Removes excess skin


Small incision hidden in skin crease in front of ear

Dissolvable sutures used

Supporting muscles provides for longer lasting result and more natural appearance

Excess skin removed

Turban-like dressing applied after surgery and removed the following morning

Recovery Time

In most cases, 5 days to be able to return to work and social activities

Recovery Instructions

Ice compresses for first 48 hours to minimize swelling and bruising

No lifting over 10 pounds or straining for first week

Sleep with head elevated for two weeks

How Long It Lasts

5-7 years in most cases

Ancillary Procedures Commonly Performed In Conjunction With the S-Lift


Endoscopic forehead lift

Laser skin resurfacing

Chemical peels

Lip augmentation

More Information

The S-lift is essentially a mini facelift. It is designed to treat early laxity in the buccal labial fold and jowl area that is too advanced to be treated simply by a mid facelift procedure alone. The S-lift is associated with minimal discomfort and has an accelerated recovery time. It differs from a face lift, in that it does not treat laxity in the neck or the lateral temporal area, but only lacks the in the jowl, buccal labial fold, and malar areas. Because the incisions are hidden in the skin creases, patients are able to resume their normal activity within several days after surgery. For people with both early aging changes and an active lifestyle, this procedure can be extremely beneficial.

Normally, there is a crease or fold that runs between the nose and the mouth called the nasolabial (or buccal labial fold). When the fold becomes too deep to be treated with dermal fillers, or when the crease extends below the corner of mouth and there is laxity in the jowl area, or when one feels they have a sad or tired appearance to the face: that is the time when an S-lift can be advantageous.

With an S-lift, the procedure is usually performed under “twilight” anesthesia. A small incision is made in this increase in front of ear and curved around the earlobe. Dissolvable sutures are used to close the skin incisions. Small clips may be used at the hairline area. A turbanlike dressing is applied and removed the next morning. Patients usually resume normal social and work activities 5 to 7 days following surgery. This procedure is commonly performed in combination with lip augmentation, blepharoplasty and nasal surgery.

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