Brow Lift Procedure



Purpose (Indications)

Sagging eyebrows

“Sad “ look

Visual field obstruction

Crows feet at corner of eyes

What It Does

Elevates eyebrows to more pleasing, natural position

Can reduce visual field obstruction

Enhances and preserves results of blepharoplasty


Incision made along upper eyebrow margin

Excess skin is removed & eyebrow is supported in a higher position

Dissolvable sutures are used to close the skin edges

Recovery Time

3-7 days

Recovery Instructions

Ice compresses for first 48 hours to reduce swelling and bruising

No lifting over 10 pounds or straining for one to two weeks

Sleep with head elevated for two weeks

Clean incision lines with hydrogen peroxide four times a day for the first week

How Long It Lasts

5-7 years, in most cases

Ancillary Procedures Commonly Performed In Conjunction With A Brow Lift


Nasal surgery

Facelift surgery

Midface lift

Laser skin resurfacing

Chemical peels

More Information

Direct Brow Lift

As we age there can be laxity in the forehead and eyebrow area which can result in a more tired or angry appearance. The eyebrows not only protect the eyes of from perspiration and debris entering the orbital area , but they also provide significant aesthetic enhancement to the eyes. If the eyebrow sags it can project a more tired or fatigued appearance. If the eyebrow sags laterally, it can project the appearance that we are sad. If the middle or medial aspect of the eyebrows sags, one can project a malice appearance.

Elevation of the eyebrows can be performed as an independent procedure or in conjunction with blepharoplasty (upper eyelid tuck), or in conjunction with rejuvenation of the entire to upper third of the face (endoscopic forehead lift). In the past, external incisions were used to elevate the eyebrows which resulted in a scar very apparent for a number of months at best and infrequently left scars that were permanently visible. Recently new techniques have been developed which allow these procedures be done endoscopically or for incisions to be hidden in natural skin creases. This “minimal incision surgery” results in minimal discomfort, quick recovery times, and even longer lasting results than previous techniques. Dr. Beeson has been leading and developing many of these techniques and is internationally recognized for his expertise in this area.


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