Some individuals are troubled at the early age with fullness under the chin and in the neck. This is often due, in part, to hereditary deposits of adipose [fatty] tissue in the submental area. Often, patients confirm that this appearance tends to run in their family and frequently is a characteristic of their mother or Read More
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Procedure of The Week: Hair Transplantation
Advances over the past few years have made it possible to shrink wide bald spots, add hair to sparse areas, and create new, natural-looking hairlines. To date, the most successful method of correcting baldness is to transfer the patient’s own hair from non-bald areas to the areas of hair loss. The procedure for treating baldness Read More
Procedure of The Week: Blepharoplasty
Eyes are one of the first areas to show aging. Some people refer to the eyes as the “windows of the soul.” They are certainly the focal point of the face and increased laxity of skin can portray a tired, sad, or melancholy appearance when in actuality we feel otherwise. Blepharoplasty surgery, or the eyelid Read More
Procedure of The Week: Pulsed Dye Laser
The Pulsed Dye Laser (PDL) is one of the most commonly used lasers in cosmetic surgery. It was originally developed to treat cutaneous vascular lesions such as telangiectasias (spider veins) and port wine stain vascular birthmarks. Technical advances and refinements in recent years have greatly expanded its use to include preventing scar formation following surgery Read More
Procedure of The Week: Botox
Botox is the most frequently performed cosmetic treatment, year after year. This revolutionary procedure smooths out those unwanted forehead wrinkles, frown lines, crow’s feet, and other facial creases. The Botox procedure takes only a few minutes and no anesthesia is required. However, we offer numbing agents and other solutions for an added layer of comfort Read More
Procedure of The Week: Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty
Some people refer to the eyes as the “windows of the soul.” They are certainly the focal point of the face and our eyes are one of the first areas to show aging. Increased laxity of skin can portray a tired, sad, or melancholy appearance when in actuality we feel otherwise. Blepharoplasty surgery, or the Read More
Procedure of The Week: S-Lift
The S-lift is essentially a mini facelift. It is designed to treat early laxity in the buccal labial fold and jowl area that is too advanced to be treated simply by a mid facelift procedure alone. The S-lift is associated with minimal discomfort and has an accelerated recovery time. It differs from a face lift Read More
PROCEDURE OF THE WEEK: Nasal Surgery (Rhinoplasty)
Nasal surgery is one of the most frequently performed surgeries. It is done not only for appearance, but also to improve breathing. The nose has multiple growth centers and doesn’t mature until we reach puberty. Childhood trauma can damage these growth centers, with the end result being a crooked nose (both internally and/or externally). At Read More
As we age, a pad of fibrous and adipose tissue over the cheekbone called the malar fat pad descends to a lower position in the cheek, and this results in a flattened cheek area and a deepening of the buccolabial fold. This is the fold that commonly runs from the corner of the nose to Read More
High cheekbones have long been considered a sign of beauty, which helps contribute to facial angulation and the classic “almond-shaped” face. Cheek implants can help add definition and angulation to the face, which helps improve facial harmony and symmetry. In addition, implants can decrease tissue laxity in the crease, which runs between the nose and Read More