Some individuals are troubled at the early age with fullness under the chin and in the neck. This is often due, in part, to hereditary deposits of adipose [fatty] tissue in the submental area. Often, patients confirm that this appearance tends to run in their family and frequently is a characteristic of their mother or Read More
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Procedure of The Week: Nasal Surgery (Rhinoplasty)
Nasal surgery is one of the most frequently performed surgeries. It is done not only for appearance, but also to improve breathing. The nose has multiple growth centers and doesn’t mature until we reach puberty. Childhood trauma can damage these growth centers, with the end result being a crooked nose (both internally and/or externally). At Read More
Procedure of The Week: Mid Facelift
As we age, a pad of fibrous and adipose tissue over the cheekbone called the malar fat pad descends to a lower position in the cheek, and this results in a flattened cheek area and a deepening of the buccolabial fold. This is the fold that commonly runs from the corner of the nose to Read More
Procedure of The Week: Endoscopic Forehead Lift
Endoscopic forehead lift addresses laxity in the eyebrow and forehead area. In this surgery, small incisions are hidden behind the hairline. Specially developed lasers with small telescopes are used to elevate and reposition the sagging tissues in the forehead. This procedure is especially helpful for specific areas of sagging, such as the medial portion of Read More
Procedure of The Week: Facelift
The facelift procedure, or rhytidectomy as it is medically called, treats the neck, cheek, jowl, lateral temporal or eyebrow area. It gives the ultimate improvement in facial plastic surgery because it addresses all the areas of concern, and will reposition tissues into a more normal, natural position. It helps to turn back the clock approximately Read More
Procedure of The Week: Skin Rejuvenation (Chemical Peels and Laser Resurfacing)
Skin rejuvenation can be divided into different categories-light, medium, and deep treatments. Light treatments involved lotions and cream. These are frequently applied on a daily basis and have the advantage of no “down time” for convalescence. One can apply these lotions and continue her normal daily and social actives without any interruption. The objective of Read More
Procedure of The Week: Cheek Implants
High cheekbones have long been considered a sign of beauty, which helps contribute to facial angulation and the classic “almond-shaped” face. Cheek implants can help add definition and angulation to the face, which helps improve facial harmony and symmetry. In addition, implants can decrease tissue laxity in the crease, which runs between the nose and Read More
Procedure of The Week: Chin Augmentation
Chin augmentation is used to treat a receding or weak chin which has resulted from long-term nasal blockage, enlarged adenoids, or dental problems. The surgery may be done under “twilight” anesthesia from time of adolescence onward. The operation is usually performed from inside the mouth. When the submental lipectomy or double chin operation is performed Read More
Procedure of The Week: Necklift
The necklift is used to treat laxity in the neck and submental area. It is especially helpful in treating the turkey gobbler neck and the deep cords or unsightly bands which often form in the neck. These are due to laxity of the platysma muscle. In the endoscopic necklift, a small incision approximately 1/2 inch Read More
Procedure of The Week: Hair Transplantation
Advances over the past few years have made it possible to shrink wide bald spots, add hair to sparse areas, and create new, natural-looking hairlines. To date, the most successful method of correcting baldness is to transfer the patient’s own hair from non-bald areas to the areas of hair loss. The procedure for treating baldness Read More