
Hair Transplantation 

. . Summary Purpose (Indications) Hair loss Thinning or receding hairline Hair loss secondary to injury What It Does Redistributes hair from occiput (back of head) to the balding or thinning areas Provides more natural appearance Allows more athletic activities without the need to modify activity because of hair piece, toupee, or or other artificial Read More


Hair Restoration

. Summary Purpose (Indications) Provides one’s own hair with permanent camouflage over areas of hair loss What It Does Takes small hair grafts from back of scalp and transfers them to front of scalp Used to create or reinforce frontal hairline Used to make thinning areas more dense Technique Thin “strip” of hair removed from Read More


Nasal Reconstruction (Rhinoplasty)

. . Summary Purpose (Indications) Hump on nasal dorsum Nose crooked Bulbosity to nasal tip (tip too wide) Difficulty breathing What It Does Straightens septum (dividing partition inside nose) to improve airway Contours and reshapes both nasal bones and cartilage to make nose straight and more proportional Technique Usually done through nostrils without any external Read More


Submental Lipectomy

. . Summary Purpose (Indications) Deposits of adipose (fatty) tissue in the submental area What It Does 10-20% improvement by removing congenital fat pads in the area Over next 9-12 months, tissues tighten approximately 20% Technique Incision width of a pencil, hidden in crease under chin and behind ear lobe Specially developed suctioning instruments undermine Read More


Neck Lift Procedure

. . Summary Purpose (Indications) Turkey gobbler neck Cording in the neck area Drapy skin in the neck Sagging contour in the neck …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… What It Does Removes fat pad under chin Tightens muscle to remove banding and laxity in the neck Removes excess skin Provides youthful contour to neck Technique Incision in hairline and Read More


Transbleph Brow Suspension

. Summary Purpose (Indications) Deep wrinkles in forehead Drooping eyebrows What It Does Decreases the muscle movement in forehead that causes frown lines Re-supports eyebrows and forehead tissues to a more natural position Technique Incision hidden in the skin crease of upper eyelid area Special sutures used to position eyebrow permanently Dissolvable sutures are used Read More


Brow Lift Procedure

. Summary Purpose (Indications) Sagging eyebrows “Sad “ look Visual field obstruction Crows feet at corner of eyes What It Does Elevates eyebrows to more pleasing, natural position Can reduce visual field obstruction Enhances and preserves results of blepharoplasty Technique Incision made along upper eyebrow margin Excess skin is removed & eyebrow is supported in Read More


Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)

. . Summary Purpose (Indications) Tired look Skin resting on eyelashes Difficulty seeing Difficult to apply eye makeup Puffiness to eyelids Dark circles under eyes What It Does Removes excess skin and fat pad in upper eyelid Removes excess fatty tissue pads in lower eyelid and allows skin to contract and re-drape Technique Incisions hidden Read More


Endoscopic Forehead Lift

. . Summary Purpose (Indications) Deep wrinkles in forehead “Drooping eyebrows” What It Does Decreases the muscle movement in forehead that causes frown lines Re-supports eyebrows and forehead tissues to a more natural position Technique-miniature Incisions Hidden in Hairline Dissolvable sutures and small clips used to temporarily support tissues Laser used to contour muscles Recovery Read More


Mentoplasty Procedure

. Summary Purpose (Indications) Receding chin Sagging or down turning at corners of the mouth What It Does Repositions the chin at a more anterior position Improves neckline Can reduce sagging of tissues at corner of the mouth Does not change occlusion or alignment of teeth Technique Incision made inside mouth Medical grade implant inserted Read More