
Laser Skin Resurfacing

. Summary Purpose (Indications) Facial wrinkles “Smoker’s lines” “Age spots” Acne scars What It Does Refreshes skin Decreases wrinkling by stimulating collagen in dermal layers Technique Numbing cream applied to wrinkled skin, or can be done under “twilight” anesthetic Laser light vaporizes top layer of skin. Several passes can be used to remove deeper wrinkles Read More


Dermal Fillers and The Secret to Attractive Lips

When it comes to facial beauty, lips play a significant role in enhancing attractiveness and maintaining a youthful appearance. The shape, volume, and texture of our lips can greatly impact our overall facial harmony and confidence. Fortunately, with advancements in cosmetic treatments, such as dermal fillers, it has become easier than ever to achieve luscious, Read More


Nutritional Supplements for Treating Hair Loss

An article in JAMA Dermatology, Evaluation of the Safety and Effectiveness of Nutritional Supplements for Treating Hair Loss, reviewed medical studies in an attempt to evaluate the effect of nutritional supplements on hair loss. Some of the supplements and micronutrients focused on stress-related hair loss (telogen effluvium): Omni-Three, NourkrinⓇ, vitamin D, and vitamin B1. Others Read More


Melanoma Skin Cancer on The Rise

Melanoma skin cancer is on the rise both in the United States and globally. A recent report in the medical journal, JAMA Dermatology, predicted that the number of cases of melanoma skin cancer and deaths will almost double in the next 20 years. In this population-based study, the authors estimate that worldwide new melanoma cases Read More


Mid-Facelift: Just What The Doctor Ordered!

We see many people who have active social and work schedules. They cannot afford significant “downtime”. Yet, appearance is important to them, and they want to look their best. Projecting a youthful, energetic image is desirable for both business and social reasons. Many have found that micro-needling, radio frequency treatments, and fillers have not provided Read More


How to Avoid Heat Related Illness This Summer

As temperatures soar during the summer months, it’s essential to be mindful of the risks associated with extreme heat. The human body has a remarkable ability to regulate its internal temperature; however, excessive heat exposure can overwhelm this mechanism, leading to heat-related illnesses. Understanding the limits of our body’s heat tolerance and adopting preventive measures Read More