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Groups and Organizations within the greater Indianapolis metropolitan area can arrange for multimedia presentations. If your group has interest please contact us at 317-846-0846 or email askus@
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Topics for Discussion
Specifics will be discussed at that time. The following are potential topics.
Multimedia Presentations
Cosmetic Surgery for the Business World

Business is very competitive. Many feel that their face is their “calling card” and that they only get one chance to make a good first impression. This program explores the cosmetic surgery options for the busy businessman or woman. Why do business executives seek cosmetic surgery? How much time is needed from work? How will I look shortly after surgery? What options are available to me? What are the costs involved?
Recommended Time: 1 Hour
Group Size: Any (but smaller is better for more individual question and answer session).
Facial Cosmetic Surgery: State of the Art
Technology and Science have brought dramatic changes to all areas of medicine. Facial plastic surgery is no exception. This program reviews the newest developments in the field and explores what the future holds for this exciting specialty. As a physician who is active in clinical research and one who serves on numerous medical advisory boards, Dr. Beeson is uniquely qualified to provide an overview of the “state of the art” in facial plastic surgery. What are the newest techniques available? Are they safe? What type of results do they provide? What are the pros and cons?
Recommended Time: 1 Hour
Group Size: Any (but smaller is better for more individual question and answer session).
Facts and Myths of Cosmetic Surgery
Cosmetic surgery is one of the most frequently discussed topics in both print and electronic media. Despite this, there are still many misconceptions and perceptions regarding plastic surgery. This program identifies common myths surrounding cosmetic surgery and provides objective information to make you a well-informed health care consumer.
Recommended Time: 45 minutes
Group Size: Any (but smaller is better for more individual question and answer session).
Facial Sculpture Cosmetic Surgery: Profile Enhancement for Reshaping the Face
Beauty is facial symmetry and proper proportion. Oftentimes, a part of our body is normal, but the size or shape doesn’t “complement” our other facial features. Oftentimes, subtle changes and minor facial sculpturing can produce dramatic results. This program discusses changes that nasal surgery, eyelid surgery, facelift and otoplasty ear surgery can make in one’s overall appearance.
Recommended time: 1 hour
Group Size: Any (but smaller is better for more individual question and answer session).
Self Image: The Beholder and the Beheld
What is the emotional aspect that drives people to be concerned about appearance? Cosmetic surgery is often not for trivial matters. There are often major perceptual concerns. This presentation focuses on understanding the needs for plastic cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. Ideal for both medical and non-medical groups.
Recommended Time: 30 minutes
Group Size: Better for smaller groups
Lasers in Cosmetic Surgery
Advanced laser technology has revolutionized cosmetic surgery. As a pioneer in the use of lasers for cosmetic surgery and as a member of the American National Standard Institute’s Subcommittee on Laser Use in Health Care, Dr. Beeson is able to provide unique insight on this interesting topic. What are lasers and how do they work? Are they safe? What are the new applications for lasers in cosmetic surgery?
Recommended Time: 1 Hour
Group Size: Any (but smaller is better for more individual question and answer session).
Cosmetic Surgery for Men
Aesthetic surgery for men is the fastest growing aspect of plastic surgery. Job security and aging issues have attracted more men to surgery. Topics discussed include facelifts, treatment of sagging necks, eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty surgery, and hair restoration. This lecture is most suitable for men and their families.
Recommended Time: 1 Hour
Group Size: 10 to 50
Skin Rejuvenation: Reversing the Effects of Aging
Healthy, vibrant, beautiful skin is something we all desire. Unfortunately, environmental factors, stress, and a multitude of other factors can take their toll on our skin. This presentation reviews the general aging effects on the skin and provides insight on ways to minimize and even reverse some of these adverse effects. A wide range of treatment options are discussed, ranging from simple use of lotions and creams to advanced laser skin resurfacing. Learn easy ways to reduce your chance of skin cancer and at the same time refreshen and enhance your facial appearance.
Recommended Time: 1 Hour
Group Size: Any (but smaller is better for more individual question and answer session).
Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Surgery (Endoscopic Surgery)
Many people desire cosmetic surgery, but want to avoid conspicuous incisions and reduce “down time” from work or social activities. Endoscopic facial surgery (minimally invasive surgery)offers a solution. Learn more about this new technique, its advantages, its applications, and its limitations. A leader in endoscopic facial surgery, Dr. Beeson frequently lectures at medical meetings on this topic. He shares with you his perspective on endoscopic forehead lifts, necklifts, mid-facelifts, and other minimal invasive cosmetic surgery procedures.
Recommended Time: 45 Minutes
Group Size: Any (but smaller is better for more individual question and answer session).
Longevity: Anti-Aging Medicine
Since Ponce de Leon, Man has continually sought for the Fountain of Youth. Many feel that nutrition and hormonal manipulation may hold the key to longevity. This program discusses the science, myth, and controversy in this fascinating area.
Recommended Time: 45 Minutes
Group Size: Any (but smaller is better for more individual question and answer session).
The Making of A Cosmetic Surgeon
Cosmetic Surgery is one of the fastest growing areas of medicine. Many medical specialties overlap and compete for patients. What type of training is needed for cosmetic surgery? Who is qualified to do this type of surgery? What criteria should one consider when selecting a cosmetic surgeon? Are people who are not physicians doing this type of work? Learn the answers to these and many other questions as you become an informed health care consumer regarding aesthetic surgery.
Recommended Time: 30 Minutes
Group Size: 10 – 50
Accreditation in the Health Care Arena: What does it mean to me and my family?
Quality and Accountability have become the hallmark today in health care. With an emphasis on cost in managed care, many people feel that their interests may be placed second. Many consumer advocacy groups and medical societies promote accreditation of both facilities and physicians. Learn more about what accreditation is and what it means for your family when selecting where to go for your health care. As a member of a medical licensing board and officer of a national accrediting organization for ambulatory health care, Dr. Beeson is able to provide a unique insight into this important area.
Recommended Time: 30 Minutes
Group Size: 10 – 50
Medicine and the Internet
The Internet and “E-Commerce” have dramatically impacted all areas of the economy. Many experts feel it is dramatically changing the way we do business. Medicine is no exception. Learn how computerization has affected health care and how physicians across the country are using computerization and the Internet to care for and interact with their patients. Learn about the new world of “E-Medicine”.
Recommended Time: 45 Minutes
Group Size: Any (but smaller is better for more individual question and answer session).
Outpatient Surgery: What the Future Holds
In 1983, 20% of surgeries were performed as outpatients. Today, that number has increased to over 60%. Many experts feel that in the near future over 90% of all surgeries will be performed in ambulatory surgery centers. As an officer of the Federated Ambulatory Surgery Association (the national association of surgery centers) and having served on a state hospital licensing council, Beeson has significant expertise in this area. This presentation discusses the trend towards outpatient surgery and the advantages and disadvantages. Learn about how costs and quality are monitored in an ambulatory surgery center. What types of procedures are safe to do in an ASC? How are surgery centers regulated? What are the costs to me as a patient? Learn the answers to these and many other questions.
Recommended Time: 45 Minutes
Group Size: Any (but smaller is better for more individual question and answer session).
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