“I can’t tell you how happy I am with my face. I get compliments every day” – C.T.

“I think of you often and want to thank you for my new look. I think it is one of the best things I ever did for myself. The plastic surgery on my face seems to be holding up after several years now and I am forever in your debt. Just to let you know I still think of your and your staff. First class treatment for me.” -S.S.
“Hi Dr. Beeson! I have been wanting to check back in, but you know how time flies. I still love my surgery results, and thank you soooooooo much! I went to a Christmas party, and the old age question popped up–this one man’s face dropped when I said I was 59. He was so shocked, so I laughed and said ‘I was just kidding-I’m 49!’. He smiled and said “that’s better!”. My husband was in the room and saw this–we just looked that look. So, thanks again for performing such a natural looking result for me–I love the neck work, and it all looks great. Please say hi to Pam–she helped me with the makeup, and all that girl stuff.” – L.M.
“Hi Dr. Beeson,
I thought before I leave tomorrow I’d give you this update. In preparing to leave, I trimmed and colored my beard today. I got my hairpiece ready to put back on tomorrow-and then just for fun took a look at myself in the mirror. OMG! I knew how talented you were, but even so, what an incredibly great result I achieved! I know some of the positive results are due to my own healthy lifestyle, but the majority is due to your elevated expertise in practicing both the art and science of aesthetic surgery. I’m pretty objective when I comes to evaluating my appearance but honestly, if I saw myself in a crowd today as a stranger, I’d think that guy was about 35 years old. No kidding! So, please give yourself and all of your staff a big pat on the back for doing the life-enhancing work that they do. I’m so happy that fate decreed that I join the company I went to work for in Indianapolis twelve years ago, because that led to my discovery of your services. After I return to San Francisco I’ll also shoot a pic of myself and send it your way. And, of course if you ever need a testimonial, or someone to talk to an uneasy prospective male patient, I’ll be glad to do that as well.” -J.S.
“Just wanted to thank you for the extraordinary care you gave to _______ during and after his surgery. I know he is happy to finally take a deep breath. As a parent, I felt completely confident in turning over my son to you. I had cosmetic surgery (10+ years ago) but never had the level of professionalism and care that we experienced with you and your staff during _______’s surgery. I just wanted you to know how very grateful I am for your good care of _______ and _______.” – B.G.
“Wanted to thank you for meeting with me on Wednesday. I was quite anxious about the consult; I expected to be told all the things that were wrong with my face and how to surgically correct them. Having been under your care before, I should have known better. The experience was empowering and your explanation of the aging process was exactly what I was experiencing and something that all women would benefit from knowing (might want to put that on your website). You were complimentary about my bone structure, skin tone, and general overall aging. Instead of telling me how you were going to make me beautiful, you made me feel like was beautiful and gave me insight on how to erase a little time from my face. Upon leaving your office I felt informed about the options for treatment, a better understanding of the general aging process, and that even if I did nothing I would still age well. Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge in order to help me make a good decision. Leslie was great to work with, in advance of the appointment she followed up, at the appointment she put me at ease, and as I left she ordered the requested products and had them sent to my house. She explained the charges and did not pressure me in any way. Overall it was a great experience that exceeded my expectations and actually made me feel better about my options, my physician and myself.” -P.B.
“Now that I’m back in St. Louis and have almost 4 weeks of recovery under my belt, I want to thank you and your wonderful staff for treating me so well and so kindly during my recent “stay” (if you know what I mean) in Indianapolis. I cannot thank you enough. From the moment I met you, you were so positive and enthusiastic about my plastic surgery. I remember being in your office back in October as you studied my face and patiently explained each and every procedure. As you know, you operated on my mother (twice), my sister (three times) and my brother, so my family has a tremendous amount of confidence in you. I understood their trust and confidence once we met at that initial consultation. Now that some swelling has gone down, I can see that you created exactly what I asked for. I was adamant that I didn’t want Joan Rivers’ slanted eyes; I wanted MY eyes the way they used to be and that’s exactly what you gave me. I’m thrilled with my neck, which are clearly the most dramatic before and after photos. That’s why I chose this Nora Ephron book entitled I Feel Bad About My Neck. In the pre-Beeson days, I could certainly relate to Ms. Ephron’s story. You promised that I would simply be a more youthful version of myself that friends either wouldn’t notice or would merely wonder if I changed my hair or lost weight. Dr. Beeson, you were absolutely right! Not one person has commented about looking different or asked, “Did you have plastic surgery?” You didn’t c-h-a-n-g-e me; you just made me look better and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that. It is exactly what I wanted. I don’t think I will ever forget how extraordinarily kind and compassionate you were the day I had the meltdown in your office. For some crazy reason, I was sure that my face would always be bruised and swollen and I was going to look that way for the rest of my life. I was distraught, but instead of being annoyed or angry with me, you gently held my hand and reassured me over and over again. It helped so much when you explained that because of the anti-bruising and anti-swelling meds in the operating room, you saw exactly how things were going to look and that I would be very, very pleased. You were right. Thank you for that day in particular. I’m sure you know that you have an amazing staff that compliments your practice. I also cannot say enough about your nurse, Lesley Conn, who was incredibly attentive and competent. I lost count of how many times I e-mailed Lesley with questions and she always answered promptly–sometimes within minutes. I had a lot of trouble with doctors’ offices here in St. Louis. It was frustrating when they wouldn’t fax my test results, but Lesley never acted like I was bothering her. She simply took control and handled everything so that I could get medical clearance. I had so much faith in her that I was actually relieved to see her day of surgery. And Pam? Who could forget Pam? No question about it, she is one of the kindest people I have ever met. She spent a lot of time with me and my mom at the pre-op appointment, reassured me that twilight would be enough anesthesia and that everything would go smoothly. Loved her. Thank you so very, very much. My sister is next in line for a facelift and I know you and your wonderful staff will take excellent care of her too. Thank you again, Dr. Beeson. You are the best!”
Dr. Beeson,
Thanks for giving me such a good life. I think the most surprising thing about my nose reconstruction that you did was helping me breathe. I went in as a young girl with horrible disfigurement wanting to look normal like everybody else, but I had no idea that the biggest gift of all was, for the first time, in my life being able to breathe.
No more allergies
No more constant drainage
No more stuffed up head
No more suffering.
Thank you so much!!!, twenty plus years ago and still going strong!! Just Happy!!
“Dr. Beeson and Staff, Just a note to thank all of you for your caring, thoughtful service during my recent procedure. We have been in Florida for one week and with each passing day my eyes are looking and feeling better. I am very happy with the results. I had an appointment with my eye Dr. yesterday and he noticed that I had something done to my eyes. He was very surprised when I told him it had only been 4 weeks. His comment was ‘Wow, your Doctor did a fabulous job’. So again, I thank you and I look forward to seeing you when we return to Indiana.” -R.C.
Dear Dr. Beeson, I want to thank you again for the phenomenal job you did on my surgery. Me and my few trusted friends, who have seen the before and after pictures, I believe the immense improvement is excellent. I’m grateful, as it did wonders for my self esteem and subsequent career success. I never conveyed my appreciation do until now. Thanks again for your important, life–enhancing work, and congratulations on your richly deserved success. -D.B.
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